Get Involved

Join us as a member of GPA's Colorado Chapter

To join us, you must first become a GPA member and then join our state chapter ($25). For more information about membership dues, please click here

Have questions? We'd love to answer them! Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Colorado Chapter members may choose to volunteer on one or more of the following committees:

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee keeps the chapter focused on setting and maintaining its goals for membership recruitment and retention. The Committee will be familiar with the Professional Membership policies, procedures, and resources.

Join the Membership Committee

Engagement Committee

The Engagement Committee engages members through a variety of channels to ensure that Chapter members find unique value in their membership.

Join the Engagement Committee

Programs Committee

The Programs Committee leads the development of programming for the chapter’s webinar and in-person meetings, in consultation with the rest of the chapter Board. Programming will be informed by member feedback in order to encourage members to develop competencies and skills specific to grant professionals.

Join the Programs Committee

Marketing Committee

The Marketing Committee oversees chapter communications, including email, website, and social media, to support our chapter's programs, membership, and initiatives.

Join the Marketing Committee

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee elevates and empowers the nonprofit community and grants profession through awareness, relationships, and advocacy, providing resources and fostering partnerships to create an inclusive, well-informed community for effective grant readiness and collaboration.

Join the Outreach Committee

Ad-Hoc GrantSummit Planning Committee

The ad-hoc GrantSummit Planning Committee's purpose is to assist with the national planning of the upcoming GrantSummit conference in Denver by providing valuable insights, organizing local activities and logistics, and coordinating impactful community partnerships, thereby enhancing the overall conference experience for attendees.

Join the GrantSummit Committee